
New Moon / Solar Eclipse in Capricorn

Wednesday, December 25, 2019 9:13 PM

9:13 pm PST 

5:13 pm UTC

The Winds of Change

This New Moon is also a solar eclipse, making it a more powerful energy that infuses the planetary chart and the meanings within its configuration. The eclipse won’t be visible in the Americas or Europe, but will nonetheless be felt powerfully in the unconscious of everyone and, more consciously for those willing to tune in to its import.

This New Moon chart is a strong signature of definitive “winds of change” on our planet. The Sun and Moon in Capricorn are conjoined by one degree the planet Jupiter, whose expansive and powerful energy amplifies and makes a statement to Jupiter’s most recent ingress into the sign of Capricorn. Jupiter is out to make its energy felt and known in the energetic, pragmatic arena of Capricorn, where it will be until the 19th of December, 2020, shortly before it makes a powerful conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius on Solstice of 2020 — a powerful date of which we will have more to say later on. While in Capricorn, Jupiter asks the question, what is it we can believe and have faith in within our societal structures? It accents the upcoming Saturn/Pluto conjunction in that sign taking place on January 12th of 2020. As stated previously, this configuration begins the “Stripping” process that is characterized by the I Ching hexagram of the same name. It’s about letting go of old, outmoded and obsolete ways of being, a time of breakdown, and a process of the redistribution of resources.

The planet of change and revolution, Uranus, forms strong trines (harmonious 120˚ angles) to the Sun, Moon and Jupiter, offering us lightning bolts that may spark us to become aware now of the depth and serious need for change. Uranus in Taurus represents the needs of Mother Earth and the need for the reformation of our attitudes toward preserving her natural integrity, as well as cultivating our lives around reverence for the gifts of life She offers us: the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, her natural beauty, and the very materials that comprise our physical bodies.

Also interesting is the square (90˚ challenging angle) of Chiron to this New Moon, which to me signifies the awakening and realization of the error of our ways in how we’ve treated the Earth, as well as each other. Chiron, the wounded healer, offers us the gift of mourning our past ignorance, and the challenge of becoming humble in the face of mounting disaster, using the ever-present reminders of our wounds (Fukushima, Chernobyl, the extinction of species, etc. etc.) to motivate us to see the error of our ways, to accept the need for Great Change on our planet. Looking at the archetypal patterns and their relationship to our solar system “As Above, So Below” allows us to have insight into what the Universe is calling us to pay attention to.

This eclipse will be followed in two weeks by a lunar eclipse, on January 10th, in which the Saturn/Pluto conjunction is only 10 minutes of a degree from exact. That very intense chart speaks even more to the fact that we are in for a great deal of changes. By the way, the upcoming Saturn/Pluto conjunction opposes the natal Saturn of the US president, which is an indicator of great change on one’s life, often by having to surrender that which you have been holding onto for some time. We will see how the winds of change blow next month. The effects of eclipses often aren’t visible for several months and last untiil the next eclipse cycle, six months later. 

For now, at this Solstice time I wish you all the blessings of a year filled with changes that open you to new vistas of awareness, and heart-filled experiences of connection and healing. May we all navigate these changes with grace and mutual loving support.

All charts here are using Natural House system: i.e. the Ascendant is always at 0˚ of Aries.