
Full Moon in Virgo

Tuesday, February 19, 2019 3:54 PM

This Full Moon is a SuperMoon, its closeness to the Earth was exact just 7 hours before the Full Moon. This will be the last Super Full Moon until March of 2020. At the very beginning degrees of Pisces and Virgo, this Full Moon highlights our emergence into a newness of experience, which takes us into the tension between the Neptunian realms of Spirit, which holds the origin of our soul awareness, versus the Virgoan need for specificity, exactness, definition and grounding of our soul experience into the world of matter.

These two polarities, symbolized by Pisces/Virgo deal with the essential nature of our being. At the zero degree mark, we are beginning to embark on a journey that asks us to embody (Virgo, ruled by Mercury, but also being an Earth element sign) the most profound and deeply essential parts of our soul (Pisces being ruled by Neptune, in its own sign for the first time in 164 years).

Mercury, the planetary energy that reflects our thought patterns, is now in Pisces, and only one degree away from Neptune having just made a conjunction a few hours before this Full Moon. Our minds are more susceptible now to inspiration, dream, fantasy, or muddle, depending upon your state of awareness and openness to these energies. Certainly for those who are dreamers (who have the facility for dreamwork) the next few days of this Moon cycle will be ripe for harvesting and investigating one’s inner psyche.

However there is a somber and cold influence happening, as depicted by Venus’s placement, in between (or besieged by) Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Not a happy camper in this position, Venus’s needs are for practicality, purposefulness, and good boundaries. Not especially inspirational, but good for making her needs known and met. Saturn is inching closer and closer to Pluto, that very serious conjunction which will happen January 12, 2020 which will also include the Sun, Ceres and Mercury. So we are feeling the building pressure of the huge changes which are to come in 2020 and beyond.

To navigate these changes, it’s more and more essential that we align ourselves and learn to communicate with the needs of our soul, and allow ourselves to release outworn fantasies of what that may look like to ourselves and to others. That path is always a nebulous one, one which is mysterious and unravels bit by bit as we pay close attention to its calling. As Thomas Moore says, “When soul is neglected, it doesn't just go away; it appears symptomatically in obsessions, addictions, violence, and loss of meaning.” We connect with soul through shared moments with others, spontaneous movement (dance), creative and artistic explorations, and laughter as well as sorrow. We learn to think with our hearts and bodies, rather than just our brains. (Mercury-Neptune in Pisces).

This Full Moon combined with a huge solar G1 class geomagnetic storm which will hit the Earth on the 19th or 20th brings and intensity to our experience that calls for us (especially those who are sensitives) to ground ourselves deeply in what is most important to our hearts and our bodies. We may need to go within and remove ourselves from media, from demands of others, for whatever time it takes to restore our sense of inner balance. Of course, Full Moons are times when shadowy parts of ourselves become illuminated, and Virgo’s critical eye may point up to us where we’ve been neglecting our soul work. For these polarities to work together, criticality needs to be more neutral, just simply recognizing what needs our attention. This helps us to separate out fantasy from imagination, and brings reality to what our society denies so vehemently: that we are souls born into bodies, exploring the pure magic of existence.