
Full Moon in Libra 2

Friday, April 19, 2019 4:12 AM

This is the second Full Moon in Libra in a row, at 29˚ of the sign. Last month, the Full Moon was at 0˚ of Libra. This very rare occurrence of two Libra Full Moons in a row (the last time this happened was in 1799!)* points to some very pertinent issues facing us in our society.

First of all, Libra is about equality in relationships. People may joke that Librans can’t make up their minds, but that quality of yielding and pausing before being decisive, to await what might unfold, has been so denigrated in our culture (“Just Do It!”) that we unwittingly align ourselves with the patriarchal paradigm when we castigate those who defer, or who prefer to wait and see. In the new paradigm, we may value not knowing, which is the true nature of reality: the Uncertainty Principle applies to more than just quarks and electrons. Not deciding A or B means that there is a possibility that the answer would be A and B. Inclusive rather than exclusive.

Whenever a planet in someone’s chart is at 0˚, it represents a beginning, a new start, that there are many lessons to learn, things to discover and experience. When a planet is at 29˚ this is a culmination phase happening, a gathering together of what has been learned and making it coherent, usable, and integrated at deep levels of one’s being. This Full Moon brings us to the culmination of what the Aries/Libra polarity symbolizes: the give and take in relationship, discovering where our wounds are in terms of leading and following, being either too self-serving or too other-serving. On a global scale, this Full Moon shines its light on human rights, particularly for minorities, women, and those who are “yearning to breathe free.” We in the US have most certainly failed in our living up to the inscription on Lady Liberty. As in many places around this country, now those who even visit the Statue of Liberty are subject to search and security screening. This is a much different country and world from when I visited her 50 years ago, scrambling up the stairs to peer from the windows in her crown at the world below!

Looming in this chart is the Saturn/Pluto conjunction, which will not be exact until January of 2020. It forms a T-square (two right angles) to this Full Moon. (Saturn will turn retrograde April 29th, moving away from Pluto, which will also retrograde on the 24th.)  Their closeness all this year is deeply affecting the citadels of power on our planet. Pluto rules great power, and Saturn rules the structures that support that power. Both are in Capricorn, which is the sign of “if you build it they will come”. But Pluto’s effect is always to get to and expose the heart of truth, and Pluto will invoke whatever it takes to make that happen. We are in for a major revolution in the ideas and philosophies we use to govern ourselves.  And those in power are just one small step away from being exposed for the truth of their intentions. Pluto will take care of that eventually; it always does.

Meanwhile, Mercury is finally out of its long passage through nebulous Pisces, and has moved into action oriented Aries. However, the planet that governs our minds and thinking processing may have a few speed bumps ahead in the next day or two, as Mercury conjoins with Chiron soon after this Full Moon. Chiron is the planetoid that reminds us of our experiences that have been our woundings, and brings humility into the picture. Here focussing upon being the observer of our thoughts is definitely called for. Watch that our thinking processes don’t get too overheated, as Mars, whose “home sign” is Aries, is now in the sign of Gemini, which rules Mercury, and Mercury is now in the sign of Aries. This is called mutual reception, and it kind of short-circuits, or fast-tracks our mental processes. This could mean direct, clarifying, and positive thinking, or on the other hand, a shoot first ask questions later approach to conflict.

And then on Earth Day, April 22, The Sun conjoins Uranus, which has now passed into Taurus, where it will remain for the next seven years. Expect a strong tidal surge of protest, which has already begun, toward the corporatocracy and its ravaging of the planet. And this conjunction may well presage a turning point for public opinion, turning the tide against the Goliath of Greed. Uranus the revolutionary, has moved into the sign most representing the planet Earth. The money-changers are perhaps going to really listen now to Greta Thunberg. Perhaps they may even realize the profitability of green technology. Whether immediately evident now or later, the tide is inexorably turning. Astrologers worldwide are already frothing over the upcoming transits of 2020 and beyond. More on this later!


All charts here are using Natural House system: i.e. the Ascendant is always at 0˚ of Aries.