
New Moon in Gemini

Monday, June 3, 2019 12:02 AM

A New Moon in Gemini is our once a year opportunity to reframe how we use our thoughts to make sense of the reality around us. Gemini rules the development of our ability to reason, to think things through, to use words and concepts to communicate with others. Our human race is presently in an Era of Reason, in which we primarily use our forebrains to explain, think about, reason with others, rationalize our actions, and formulate the ideas that make up our belief systems about the world around us. Our rational minds have created amazing technologies and innovations that allow us to live comfortably in the physical world, but rationality and conceptualizing is often used to divide us from each other, to judge and categorize to such an extent that we have become a violent species, capable of destroying not only ourselves, but all life on this Earth. In our hyper-rational society, we are out of touch with the basic and simple relational heart connection we all share, which exists whether we are aware of it or not.

New Moons being new beginnings, the emphasis here could be to put our thoughts in their place. In other words, to see them for just exactly what they are, representations of reality rather than reality itself. In fact, we rarely experience our reality directly. Our perceptions of reality, which are largely perceived by our bodies and sensory organs, are then processed by our forebrains and compared against memories, which eventually result in our perceptions of (and reactions to) reality.  We rarely see each other and the world around us directly, openly, without an overlay of judgements.

This then could be a time in which we take note of how our attention is formed, to ask perhaps what part of our awareness is not our thoughts, but is our presence, or our energetic sensing of the world around us. To let go of thinking, which is secondary to perception, is truly a revolutionary act. It allows us to connect to our bodies and to grow our awareness beyond the social and cultural, to discover a more energetic or if you will, spiritual way of perceiving the world. Only when the mind is silent can we connect to these larger, more inexplicable and yet very real parts of ourselves.

This New Moon forms a T-square to Neptune, that is, two planets in a 180˚ opposition to each other, both forming a right angle to Neptune. (See chart). In this case it’s the Sun/Moon (which are always conjoined at a New Moon) opposed to Jupiter, both at right angles to Neptune. The square (90˚) between Jupiter and Neptune is happening three times this year, (exact for the second time on June 16th) and is asking us to reassess our values, both individually and collectively. The old paradigm of perpetual expansion and growth (Jupiter) is threatening all life on this planet, destroying an ecosystem which used to be self-balancing, resulting in a new epoch, the Anthropocene. Neptune represents a wealth of possibility, the world of dreams and sources of inspiration, but also the spinning of fantasy and avoidance of reality. Like all the planetary forces, it has both and positive and negative polarity. But Neptune is exactly what we need to go beyond our thoughts, and our habitual ways of perceiving reality, and to evoke a sensibility that is larger than we’ve previously imagined.

With Venus in a trine (harmonious 120˚ angle) to Pluto at this New Moon, the symbology of the power of love is the key to the way forward through the mess humanity has created in its sandbox, Planet Earth. Venus, in the sign it rules of Taurus, which is a fixed earth element sign, and Pluto, the power of transformation that strips away the old and outworn, are asking us to tune in to how we must learn to deeply love the Earth that feeds and nurtures us. No matter how much we already are thankful and grateful, we can grow more pro-active in our lives to preserve and take appropriate actions to integrate a way of life that is more in harmony with how we use our Earth’s resources, as well as daily observing and becoming more loving toward the Great Being beneath our feet. We hardly pay attention to the miraculous nature of biological life on this planet, and yet more and more information on the intricate interdependency of all life is now available to us.

Neptune, which is the higher octave of Venus, is an important player in this month’s chart, as the upcoming opposition of Mars and Saturn on June 14th will push us to rely more and more upon our hearts to use compassion and connection rather than our thinking brains. The Mars and Saturn opposition can symbolize how our individual egos become violent or abusive when we reach a level of frustration where our thoughts spin round and round, giving us no peace. This Gemini New Moon can be a turning point for each of us, if we set our judgements and thoughts aside, and begin to become quiet in our inner self-talk, so as to connect to a deeper level of awareness of our inner selves, a place where authentic meaning can be found.

“Love alone can bring about a radical revolution or transformation in relationship; and love is not a thing of the mind.”

J. Krishnamurti


All charts here are using Natural House system: i.e. the Ascendant is always at 0˚ of Aries.