
New Moon in Virgo

Friday, August 30, 2019 3:07 AM

This New Moon is not only in Virgo, it conjoins three other planets and an asteroid Juno also in Virgo, making it in addition to being a Super Moon, a Super Virgo New Moon. Super Moons happen when the Moon is closest in its orbit to the Earth, causing an increase in gravitational pull on tides, and all bodies of water, such as human beings, as well as intensifying its astrological influence.

Since we have so much emphasis on Virgo, perhaps we should review its import in the planetary cast of characters. Virgo is the sign that follows Leo, and is the last sign of the summer zodiac of Cancer, Leo and Virgo. The last sign of each season (there are three zodiac signs in every season) is called a mutable sign, meaning it’s the energy in the month which indicates a seasonal change is coming. Mutability is important when the winds of change are upon us. If we remain too long in the energy of the middle sign of each season, which is a fixed sign, then we lose our flexibility and are caught short when the new season approaches. Remaining too long in the sunny and bright Leo energy, for instance, is ignoring the upcoming autumn of the cycle, a time to harvest our crops, and to pay attention to new weather patterns approaching.

Changes are most certainly in the works for planet Earth and its inhabitants. This New Moon chart is a chart which heralds Great Changes. Six planetary bodies, Mercury, Juno, Sun Moon, Mars and Venus all combine forces to emphasize Virgo’s cautionary stance, Virgo’s ability is to discern this from that, to analyze and look deeper than the surface for what’s true. Mercury asks us to create discernment in our thinking, Juno in our relationships, Mars in our actions and Venus in our hearts. Ruled by Mercury, Virgo’s emphasis is mental, analytical, and observes the details that give away the reality that lies beneath the façade.

Forming strong trines (harmonious 120˚ angles) to all the Virgo planets and almost exactly to the Sun/Moon conjunction is the planet Uranus, the significator of sudden changes and greater or “higher” awareness. Uranus revolutionizes our minds, opening us to greater possibilities than we thought possible, and in this chart it is intensifying the winds of change. If ever there was a time when great changes in thinking were necessary for humanity, this is surely it. With both the Amazon and Africa fighting grave and destructive fires, and climate change being forbidden as a topic of debate in the Democratic party (how is this possible?) we have certainly come to a turning point in our awareness. We have been in massive denial and under great deception by the media of the truth of just how much humanity is at an end point.

Or perhaps I should term it, a turning point. Jupiter and Neptune are still at a square (90˚) relationship and have been for pretty much the entire year, which speaks to the ongoing deceptive “spin” of critical information. We need to step beyond the printed word and look deeper within us for the truth there. And Chiron is forming a 150˚ (inconjunct) angle to this gathering of Virgo planets asking us to stop, look, and listen to what our planetary and personal wounds are asking us to pay attention to, rather than ignore them (maybe they will go away?). These are indeed grave times, and we must learn to not look away.

Personally, the first thing I feel when I awaken each morning is a deep sense of despair and trepidation, and then I must swim through that layer of energy as I open my eyes, pass through it, and awaken to my personal life, to do what I can to remain open and aware. But the mass consciousness is indeed feeling this deep dread and a rending of our fabric of reality as we’ve crafted it after so many centuries of domination, authoritarianism and control. Many sages speak of a new world opening, a world where we work together, where we don’t need authority to tell us what is right or wrong, where we can use our own innate sensibility to know the truth and act accordingly. I hold this vision to my heart as a daily prayer. 

This is the import of the Virgo emphasis this month. Finding our own truth, deep within our hearts, using our discernment to weed out egoic ideas of triumph, of attainment, of personal recognition and instead coming into what is urgently needed, what each of us can do.  Also it’s time to look at our personal habits and attitudes, how we get work done, how we take care of our health, our bodies. Internal attitudes toward ourselves are resonant with the attitudes we promote toward the Earth planet, our Great Mother beneath our feet.  Each one of us is in an energetic relationship with the Earth, and there is an exchange of energy which is ongoing, which can be deeply sustaining, as we work to listen deeply to the music of our hearts, and to the Earth’s heart as well.


All charts here are using Natural House system: i.e. the Ascendant is always at 0˚ of Aries.