Full Moon in Taurus
11:28 am, 11/15/24 AHST,
1:28 pm 11/15/24 PST
4:28 pm 11/15/24 EST
9:28 pm 11/15/24 GMT
Full Moons always represent a culmination of the energies set into motion at the New Moon. The previous New Moon chart happened at a particularly powerful moment, a cross-quarter day, and the celebrated Day of the Dead, among other names of ancient cultures who’ve marked this yearly crossing point. It is a time where the veil between the worlds of the physical and the spirit was the thinnest, a balance of the light and the oncoming darkness of winter.
Meanwhile in this chart, the Moon in Taurus—which is by the way another strong Super Moon and much closer to the Earth—is conjoined with that wild and crazy planet Uranus. Quite tightly conjoined. In a mundane chart[2] the Moon represents the People, and Uranus is the activating force of change and revolution. But what kind, or whose revolution? Uranus is the planet of breaking free of previous boundaries, the urge for freedom from the norm (however perceived), so it also rules riots, political tension, even anarchy. Taken to its extreme, the Aquarian idealism (Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius) can turn to fascism. Are “the People” caught up in a frenzy and fervor of oppressive righteousness? Keep in mind, all of the astrological and archetypal influences have both light and dark potential to them. With rebellious Mars/Pluto opposition also in the mix, our feelings and actions may tend toward the more eruptive energies, but can also galvanize the People to create changes.
Taurus rules the Earth, but also money and our possessions, and so Uranus can also be a motivating force for those defenders of the Earth and the animal and plant (and mineral) beings that live upon it. And with Uranus in Taurus, alternative (and revolutionary) forms of money like crypto are back in vogue.
As if I need to say it, right now is a cold time for women, and the archetypal Feminine force in all of us. This bears out in this chart with Venus in practical Capricorn, and its only major aspect being a challenging square (90˚ angle) to Neptune, which is her higher octave planet, akin to the High Priestess archetype. It’s like she’s been temporarily cut off from her connection to the inspirational feminine, at least for the last part of this Moon cycle. At the next New Moon on November 30th, (the day after the Thanksgiving holiday in the US) Venus will be in a strong harmonious trine (120˚ angle) to Uranus, and sextile (harmonious 60˚ angle) to Neptune, so her (our) connection will have begun to be restored, and feel more connected to the spirit of the Rebel. But for now, for the next couple of weeks, this is a time to honor our grief. We can give it its due by going within, knowing that the changes of the planets will soon bring the Feminine a renewal and re-inspiration of strength.
The historic movement of Pluto into the sign of Aquarius for the next 20 years on November 19th sounds dramatic, but as with all very slow-moving planets we don’t expect fireworks. It’s more like this is the signal beginning of the slow erosion of the old materialistic ways of doing business on this planet. Over the next 20 years, we will see dramatic changes. Pluto’s passages are inexorable.
This past US Election took place with Pluto still in the very last degrees of Capricorn, so in many ways, and with the results being what they are, Pluto is telling us is that we are still integrating the lessons of Pluto in Capricorn. It’s a tough one for a system so steeped in the behavioral patterns of centuries. This involves basically the collective support of the reign of Kings, of patriarchs, of systems of government that are essentially authoritarian, violent, and warlike in nature. It appeals to our most primitive instincts, the lizard brain in each of us. This is not only our political culture, but our “entertainment” culture as well. In a study done by the American Psychological Association as far back as 1982, the report clearly stated the effects of children watching violence in the media: they become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, more fearful of the world around them, and more likely to behave in aggressive and harmful ways toward others.[3] It’s a societal programming that will take time and effort to undo.
The US will not see an election date with Pluto in Aquarius until 2029! In these next 4-5 years, there will be many important and powerful astrological movements of the outer planets that will place a strong emphasis upon transformations of our ideals that will affect the entire world. There will indeed be big changes, but the Phoenix has yet to be thoroughly incinerated. Aquarius symbolizes at its highest form a coming together, despite our differences, to work to create healing that transcends culture, ethnicity, gender and status. Each of us has work to do to unravel the habits of hate, judgements, fear, desires for power and dominance. It is all our work, all of us, together.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Emperor's_New_Clothes
[2] Mundane (of the world) astrology is the branch of astrology that deals with political, social, economic, and geophysical events and processes.
[3] https://www.apa.org/topics/video-games/violence-harmful-effects
All charts here are using Natural House system: i.e. the Ascendant is always at 0˚ of Aries.