Full Moon in Capricorn/Solstice

    3:08 pm  AHST  06/21/2024
    6:08 pm    PDT  06/21/2024

    9:08 pm    EDT  06/21/2024
     1:08 am   GMT  06/22/2024

As I write this, we are at Solstice, one of the four cardinal points in the Earth’s cycle around the Sun, where the tilt of the Earth causes the Sun to rise at its northernmost point on the horizon in the Northern Hemisphere, creating the longest day of the year. No matter what astrological system one uses, these indisputable points of Solstices and Equinoxes are powerful crossing points, both  metaphysically, as well as electromagnetically.

This particular Solstice is the Cancer point, where for three days the Sun “stops” and holds where it is, before beginning its southerly journey toward the Autumnal Equinox or Libra Point. Looking at where the planets are at this juncture, we get a “weather forecast” of what the pattern signifies for the next quarter year. And the Full Moon happens just a day later. Both charts are similar, in that Neptune plays a strong role, since it’s almost at the Aries point, just 6 minutes of a degree previous at 29˚ 54’ of Pisces. Neptune is inching toward the 0˚ of Aries but will retrograde on July 1st, then not reaching that point until around April Fool’s day of 2025.

I feel it’s significant to where we are globally that Neptune is approaching the Aries point, since that is the place of new beginnings, the inauguration of a new cycle worldwide. More on this next year, but suffice it to say we’re moving toward a great time of disillusionment, in both negative and positive ways, disillusion with the old systems of capitalism, patriarchy, the war machine and the “New World Order” trying to centralize everything—the illusion of total control. We’re in the midst of its last gasp. It’s horrific to watch, and yet there’s change happening, a major paradigm change coming… Astrologers who study patterns and cycles of history know this to be true.

It's important to talk about Neptune as it’s forming a rather tight T-square to this Full Moon. The T-square is a pattern that brings tension, a kind of blockage to the usual and automatic ways of thinking and approaching things. Wherever Neptune is, it brings a misty, nebulous, foggy feeling around what used to be definite and unchangeable. It’s the field of what we call the unconscious, mostly because that field can’t be directly accessed by our thinking mind. We have to use metaphor, mystery, synchronicity, dreaming, and insight in order to access this powerful archetypal place that is loaded with vision, but also with delusion and fantasy if our own judgements and opinions get in the way.

The Cancer/Capricorn polarity is about the balancing of caring and nurturing, with careful and practical assessment of what is helpful and what is wasteful. The Cancer Sun is also conjoined with Venus and next to Venus is Mercury. So there is a grand impulse for the feminine energy to want to express itself, to want to nurture and be loving, to want to communicate to others in ways that are healing and that cultivate connection. But we must be practical, says the Capricorn Moon, and work on how our intentions can best be received by others, not just in the ways that we’d like, but also to learn how to use our intuition to broaden our approaches with others. How can we make bridges with people who are different from ourselves, without igniting contention or judgements?

Saturn will turn retrograde on June 29th and goes direct on November 15th. Like Neptune, it’s also in Pisces, with a strong message for us to look into what in our worldview contributes to our sense of continuity. How does our spiritual world view help us to contain the physical events of our world? With Saturn retrograde, the structures of human civilization that are out of balance will become more visibly toxic, paving the way for change. Since Saturn in Pisces rules authority, we’re also challenged to question what religious or spiritual beliefs support our sense of well-being, and where do we need to let go of allegiances to old patterns we learned when we were younger? Do we believe we’re inherently sinful, or flawed? Is there a purpose to our suffering?

Pluto, newly in the sign of Aquarius, is in a tight inconjunct (150˚ angle) to the Sun, both at Solstice and at this Full Moon. Normally thought of as a “minor” aspect, the inconjunct here is important in that it’s nearly exact, calling it to our attention. Pluto, the darkest and most obscure planet, is in aspect to the brightest source of light and life. In Pluto’s language of transformation, it’s asking us to be really careful with our light, to observe those periods in our lives when we need the darkness for shelter, for self-care, for curling up for a good rest, or even a good cry. Finding where we respect and honor the darkness in our lives brings us a greater sense of balance, and maturity. And our bodies will thank us for it by responding with good overall health. Neptune’s retrograde on July 1st underlines the need for contemplation of what is important for us to stay healthy, as our bodies are strongly affected by what we imagine, think and feel.

All charts here are using Natural House system: i.e. the Ascendant is always at 0˚ of Aries.