Algol and the Republican Convention

There’s a very interesting buzz in the astrological world which is centered around the upcoming Mars/Uranus conjunction, which is happening on July 15th, during the Republican Convention. Every two years, these two planets conjoin. Mars, as we know, rules our physical desire to take action, and Uranus is essentially unpredictable in nature, ruling electricity, sudden events occurring, impulsivity, and all things new and revolutionary. When they combine, all bets are off in a sense, and things can become quite erratic. As with all things astrological, there are always positive and negative valences. How we use this energy is up to us.

But the juicy part is that this time, these two planets combine at the location with a star called Algol. Known as the “fixed stars” they are only fixed in relationship to the planets, but many stars have been characterized and categorized with unique qualities over the centuries. Since at least the 10th century, this star has been told to have quite negative characteristics. Algol (or al-ghoul) represents the head of the Medusa, after Perseus severed it. The Medusa had hair of hissing serpents, and would turn anyone gazing at her into stone.

In many texts Algol is represented as an influence that causes misfortune, violence, decapitation, hanging, electrocution and mob violence, and could cause sudden assaults, military attacks, explosions and assassinations. It’s often written as the “most evil star in the heavens.1” It’s interesting that Trump has this star at his Midheaven in his natal chart, which governs one’s reputation in the world, and is conjunct the Sun in Tucker Carlson’s chart. It’s also a binary variable star, meaning that it dims for a time every 69 hours as another star passes in front of it. In ancient times, Arab commanders would not initiate battles if Algol was in its dimmed phase.

The Mars/Uranus conjunction now passing over Trump’s Midheaven could activate him in any number of ways. It could bring a magnetic or electrical energy into his presentation, giving him the kind of energy that attracts those who are steeped in anger and discontent, but it could also overwhelm him with its powerful energy, contributing to his penchant for word salad and mental decompensation in his speeches. And since it’s conjunct a fixed star whose energy he is no stranger to, he will most definitely be “over the top” in form which may work to his benefit, or his detriment.

But as I predicted in August of 2023, in June, July and August, Trump would experience the effects of Uranus at one’s Midheaven, which brings the possibility of a sudden fall from grace, as evidenced by his felony conviction in June. Still, with his penchant for gobbling up lies and misfortune and using it to his advantage, we will see if an overdose of his kind of medicine may be too much even for the Master of Deception and Fraud himself.

[1] The Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, by Vivian Robson

All charts here are using Natural House system: i.e. the Ascendant is always at 0˚ of Aries.