Full Moon in Aquarius

   8:26 am  AHST  08/19/2024
   11:26 am    PDT  08/19/2024

   2:26 pm    EDT  08/19/2024
   9:26 pm   BST  08/19/2024

Hold on to your hats, fasten your seatbelts, this is a powerful Full Moon coming. It’s a Super Moon, meaning it’s the closest it gets to the Earth in its variable orbit, thereby increasing the gravitational as well as energetic effects upon the tides, the Earth and us mortals. But that’s only the beginning… There’s many resonances with the planetary positions in this chart to the chart of the US, to Kamala Harris’s chart, and to this time in history, especially as it’s on the day of the Democratic Convention here in the US.

Where to begin? Well, first of all, there are not one, but two very powerful and dynamic T-squares in this chart. The first one involves the Sun and Moon (at a Full Moon they are always 180˚ or in opposition) both at 90˚ angles to Uranus. All are at the 27 degree marks of their signs, which indicates a very strong energetic dynamic happening. The trigger planet of a T-square is the activator energy, and in this case it’s Uranus which brings us the unexpected. Major change is in the works here, and this is a not a good sign for anyone who is reactionary, or wants things to be “the way things were”. The good ol’ days are over, and we can mourn what we’ve lost, but we must welcome the new ways in, or all is lost, both politically, and ecologically.

Change is here to stay and to work us in ways that might upset our sense of stability. Because the Leo Sun, Aquarius Moon, and Uranus in Taurus are all in fixed signs of the zodiac, we are going to have to let go of some ways of operating in the world that brought us security and stability (and profit). And since Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, squaring the Moon in the sign that it rules, we have a movement forward that is going to be breaking some very old ways of operating as a society. There are breakthroughs happening here, coming at us from our collective higher power (Uranus), perhaps quite unexpectedly and even suddenly. Are we ready? Are the solar storms going to give our technology a reset? (Uranus rules electricity, too.) With Uranus, we never know what’s going to manifest, but since a Full Moon shines light into the darkness of our psyches, it will be interesting to see what’s coming. Uranus is thought of as the higher octave of Mercury, and especially now during Mercury’s retrograde time, it can indeed be the trickster energy mightily at work. 1


The Moon at 27˚ of Aquarius in this chart is exactly the same sign and degree as the Moon in the natal chart of the US, July 4th, 1776. In a nation’s chart, the Moon represents the People, and this Full Moon brings up, amplifies, the voices and desires of the people that have not been heard for some time. The word “rebirth” comes to mind. It is interesting to note that in the chart for Ukraine, their Moon is only 5 degrees away, at 22˚of Aquarius, so these two countries share the need for liberation and freedom, two of the by-words of the planet Uranus.

And speaking of 27˚Aquarius, looking at the chart of Kamala Harris, her natal Saturn occupies 28˚ of that sign, in a lovely trine (harmonious 120˚ angle) to her Sun at 27˚ of Libra and conjunct the Moon of the US. We are watching destiny through the angles and degrees of various planetary signatures. Her Saturn can be a guiding and steering force that puts her in alignment with the voice of the People of the US.

Also a part of the T-square is the asteroid Vesta, the goddess of the Hearth, conjoined at 27˚ Leo with the Sun, our collective will and movement forward, as well as Mercury retrograde (bringing the unexpected). Vesta represents the principle of keeping our focus in a sacred manner, being of service in a selfless way. Like the sacred flame that we all can gaze upon together, or an altar in one’s home, it acts as a centering of our collective vision, bringing together disparate parts of ourselves, aligned with something more advanced, more inclusive, more in the realm of the ideals we wish to see enacted in our daily lives.

The second T-square is in mutable signs, Saturn in Pisces, Venus in Virgo and Mars/Jupiter in Gemini, which is the focal point. Mars and Jupiter together happens every 2-3 years, but these two haven’t been together in Gemini since 19892, and even then it was at the very beginning of that sign at 0˚ 02’. Before that, they were conjunct at this degree3 of conjunction in 1942, in the middle of WW2. Mars amplifies wherever it transits, and with Jupiter’s penchant for expansion, our brains are quickened now as never before as Gemini rules our thoughts and perceptions. 

But the Venus/Saturn opposition calls us to take a strong and hard look at our beliefs about the feminine (Venus) in positions of authority (Saturn). Certainly the historical, societal views support the opposition of these two planets, given, for example, that women could not vote in the US until 1920, but we are being taken to task by the Universe’s desire for us to evolve. Could a woman be president? Could women have the right to own their own bodies? Jupiter and Mars here are forcing the issues, and the T-square is asking us to collectively and individually change our beliefs.

And then, the Jupiter/Saturn square is seen by astrologers in the light of their 20 year cycle. Every 20 years, they conjoin and are visible in the sky. Their last conjunction in 2020 was monumental, in that it occurred exactly on Winter Solstice, which had never happened in the last 5000 years! To see what I wrote about that powerful event, click here. Now, 4 years later, these forces of expansion (Jupiter) and contraction (Saturn) meet at a 90˚ angle, testing us, asking us to integrate our thinking minds (Jupiter in Gemini) with our higher self or the principles of love, (Saturn in Pisces) which is the guiding force of the Universe. Yes, love is the ultimate authority, and yet we mortals think of ourselves as gods here on Earth. Jupiter (sky’s the limit!) versus Saturn (less is more). We are facing the societal myth of “unlimited progress” and its polarity, the story of apocalypse.

Are we willing to heed the calling of this Full Moon? To pay attention to the crumbling of our environment, the rapaciousness and flaunting of morality of the billionaires, while our "Titanic Planet" is sinking?

Lastly, Chiron and Eris which have been conjoined for quite a while, are in a harmonious trine to the Leo Sun/Vesta/Mercury conjunction. This is the energetic release angle, or healing possibility of the Full Moon’s tensions. The possibility of healing our collective wounds emerges from us looking at the collective strife and chaos in this world and seeing it as a call for turning our direction toward the massive collective healing that is our next step. This gives me hope that there is a possibility, a glimpse of opportunity for the tide to turn in the direction toward the People, rather than the Profit.


1  Please make sure your data is backed up!

2  In a fascinating bit of history, on that day, March 12, 1989 when Jupiter and Mars were conjoined in the “baby” degrees of Gemini, Tim Berners-Lee the so-called father of the Internet, submitted his first proposal to CERN for an “information management system”!

3  Jupiter and Mars just conjoined at 16˚ Gemini on 8/14/24. The Sabian symbol for this degree is “A woman activist in an emotional speech dramatizing her cause.”

All charts here are using Natural House system: i.e. the Ascendant is always at 0˚ of Aries.