New Moon in Virgo

   3:55 pm  AHST  09/02/2024
   6:55 pm    PDT  09/02/2024

   9:55 pm    EDT  09/02/2024
   4:55 am    BST  09/03/2024

As I look at this chart, I feel the chess-like movements of the major energies that govern and influence the human race are working backstage, moving their pieces (the planets) into place, to enact what has been in preparation for perhaps generations. The study of astrology, which is a study of cycles, and patterns, and coordinating them with events, both personal, societal and historical, shows us that there is a Grand Play we are in the midst of, if we can only zoom out enough to see things from a distance. We are indeed in the midst of a Great Turning.

Exactly 1 hour and 48 minutes before this New Moon becomes exact — a mere blip in the larger time scale of the Universe — Pluto will retrograde back into the sign of Capricorn for a brief 2 months, until November 20th. This is a finishing up phase, the final movement of its dance, so to speak, bringing back again that influence which Pluto in Capricorn has brought to world governments and our collective psyche since 2008, doing what it does best: bringing breakdown and transformation into areas of our consciousness that are outmoded or corrupt. Pluto asks us, “are y’all paying attention?” and brings out characters like Trump from backstage to society’s mainstage to ask us if we will accept or reject those values he represents. Now Pluto is saying for the next two months, “you’ve had enough evidence, what is your final answer?” It will then move into Aquarius for the next 20 years, the sign of humanitarian values operating in the collective community as a whole.

And then we have the Great Awakener, Uranus, going retrograde just the day before this New Moon. Uranus in the earthy sign of Taurus is a recipe for earth-shaking, both literal and figurative. Uranus rules electricity, and higher thought, and the kinds of energies that shake us up and push us to our limits. Also, it’s at 27˚ of Taurus. Remember in our last blog the importance of the 27˚ mark? It’s the exact degree (in Aquarius) as the natal Moon in the chart of the USA.

Well, it just so happens that Uranus as it pauses (stations) and goes retrograde, is forming a challenging 90˚ angle (a square in astrology terms) to The Donald’s Ascendant in Leo at 29˚, and even tighter to his Mars at 26˚ of Leo. Moving (transiting) Uranus in a square to one’s natal Mars is a great challenge for anyone, often bringing impulsive and rash behaviors—what we are seeing already in Mr. Drumpf. But with the station and retrograde at this degree, its effects are even more pronounced. With someone who apparently has an insecure self-image, this could send him even further over the edge. Mars rules our ability to move freely and if severe limitations are encountered, accidents can happen, or even more outbursts of ill-considered statements or actions that may signal his downfall. For the rest of us, Uranus retrograde signals a time of changing inner values, which may inaugurate shifting into new directions of discovery.

So all this sets the stage for a New Moon in Virgo, a new cycle beginning, for all of us. The lessons in this month’s lunation cycle are fierce. Virgo represents being of service, basing one’s actions upon the principles of seeing what works, and what does not. This New Moon is in opposition to Saturn and forms a T-square to Jupiter. This new beginning cycle asks us to honor our limits, and see where we are spending our energy too freely, losing focus through too much “thinky” forebrain activity (Jupiter in Gemini). We might be informed by Reality that where we are headed needs some careful planning or conservation of our vitality. We’re in for a month of taking inventory, both personally and globally, of our actions and beliefs. Which of them are based in love, the greater good, and which upon fear?

Outer planet aspects (angles) to each other are majorly subtle yet powerful influences that take years, decades, centuries sometimes, to manifest, yet astrologers are watching the ongoing Uranus trine (harmonious angle of 120˚) Pluto angle, as it will last through 2028. The last time these two major outer planets were in this trine to each other was the 1920’s, (the Roaring Twenties) which saw a great deal of optimism and newfound freedoms, as well as great corruption and graft that toppled the world economy. Planetary influences do not make us do anything, but instead they bring us energy patterns that push us to make major transformative choices. They are the indicators of the ongoing evolution of human consciousness. Pluto (ruling the underworld and psychic re-generation) and Uranus (energies of awakening, and revolution) are working together behind the scenes on humanity, to entreat us to move to a higher level of global consciousness, as well as personal awareness.

This brings hope, but on a much larger scale of many years, more background than foreground. Meanwhile this Virgo Moon impels us to check out what work we have to do personally to bring us around to being able to navigate the global changes around us. We all have our share of traumatic experiences, personal as well as generational, and the Virgoan way of analysis and restoration of what makes us healthy is just exactly the medicine we need right now. Venus in Libra opposing Neptune asks us to clarify the qualities and realities of our loving relationships. How well do they sustain us, as well as, how well do we sustain others. And Venus closely conjoined the South Node asks us to take a look at old generational patterns of relating to others that we may be unconsciously emulating, but which are a part of what needs to be released during this time of transformation.

Thus our Venus energy as an element of our collective psyche is also being transformed as a part of this Great Turning. The spirit of aloha in Hawaiian law is a simple but powerful guide. It states: ''Aloha'' means mutual regard and affection and extends warmth in caring with no obligation in return. "Aloha" is the essence of relationships in which each person is important to every other person for collective existence. ''Aloha'' means to hear what is not said, to see what cannot be seen and to know the unknowable.1


1Incorporated into law in Hawaii, from Chapter 5 of Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes.

All charts here are using Natural House system: i.e. the Ascendant is always at 0˚ of Aries.